~------------~------------------~--~ I V _p R -I G 'H T N E s. -2) I '' -------------------~- - aboliri1ed. This is a p0int much tobe obferved. The ground-of it is this; bccaufe any grace, -where it i-s aproper grace, where it is a right .grace, :let it be wo.und~~ by any - rel~pfe, by– any tranfgrcffion, I fay,- It ·gathers firength e– ven by .:that relapfe,it is the nature of true grace fo to do; Itgathers firength, even from the contrary,as fire cloth when it is compalfed a– .bout withcoldneffe, by an Amiperifl:afis, foit is with grace: It is a common (aying that you havt',and true (as you commonly underfrand it) that verrue growes ftronger when a man falls into affiiction : but more true, ·if thus taken, . that Gracegathers firength,when it felfe -hath - receiv{d a wound, when the Grace it !elfe is weakned, as thou thinkefr, it gathers mote firength. As, for exampie, let a found -hearted man,whofegrace is true a.nd right and genuine, and nor counterfdt, 'let 'him fall into ~ny tranf.. greffion that gives awound to his graces, £1yhe · tallintoanyatt of intemperance, of anger and paffion, he gathers more fircngth by it,-thefe contrary graces they grow bt~ighter by it: It is not fo with orher men, the more they fall -the weaker they grow: David, when once he had committed the finne of cutting_off the lappe of sau!J garlnent, none was more carefull than he was, afterward, he would not offer him . the lea£1: violence: And fo Peter, when the– grace ofcourage 2nd boldneffe for the Truth had ?nee received a wound by his~ denying of • Ch!ift, you fee what ftrength he gathered by _______ v~_ 3 it; Injlances.