it, hegrew afterwards the boldell: of all the AAtb4 u~. fl:l r. a. po es, as you 1ec, tAc1s 4· So it is gcnerall withall the Saints: even thofe wor.ds,by which itisexpreffed in the Scripture,difcover as much untous;HezekiAh, whenhewas £1lne into the finne ofprideand boall:ing ofhis Treafurc, f:1ith the Text, he humbled bimfelfe : you lhall find, 2.Chro.p.•tf 2 Chron. 32.25. the words there vfed, are, the LordtryedHezekiah, the Lord left him, tluthe might try him, and know all that w:ts in his hear:t:· The like phrafe is ufed of Peters falJing, SatAn dejirN to winnu1v thee, but I hatte_; prdyulfor thee,tf}at thyfaithdoe notfoilu: Now marke it, when they: do-fall into·any finne, it , is to them asa tryaii·to the Gold;. and ,a will:- . nowing to . Corne; every finne; every' temp:.. ; tation, every f<ill,though Satan intend to burne 1 ' Corruptions out the good m~tall, yet the ilfne frill is this, . . ; difcovered in Ithey loofe nothing by their fals, buttheirdroffe , rrelapfes,t~t· 1 Ch a:. • 11 · d • fi ' :·iayhidbefore t ·1C au~ lS a _wmnowe; ev~ry znne .. , inGodscohil'! they fall mto, dtfcovers thatcorruptton that :· ~ dren. . before they tooke no notice of j as He~ekialj \ ,knew not the pride, before, that was in his h~arr, .but thatadion<iifcovered it-to him; fo it was thereby cleanfed and ernptied forth: S :·J like wife Peters ·cowardlindfe and fearefulne1fe was difcovered by·that act:, he knew it more, and therefore was mot~ watchfull againfi: ir, .fue gathered more ftrength againfr ·it: fo that this is the .nature of the rdapfes of the godly, that frill they empty their hearts more and more ofthofe finnes that they fall into: Againe, th;