" P R I G H T N E S. Z17 Apofileexprelfeth it, Romanes 7- '-"· 1 delight Rflm~7.ai. (faith he)in theLawofGod, According to the irJ.. wardm4n :·as if he fhould fay, That is my conftant courfe ;mightI do what I would, That would Ialwayeshe doing; that is myinclinati– .on,thereismydelight; but yet (faith he)I[e0 aLaw of my memGers, re!JeUing tt;sainft the Law ofmy mindu.)eading me captiue to the Lawof fin ne;- that is;_ there is a. thong power within· me,that fometimes· difreq1per~me; and puts me out ofmy felfe:-that he callS' a Law;hecaufe it iscommanded-and powcrfulllike a·Law·;. and.' the Law ofmy members, ( whereas··theother is· called the Law ofrhe mind) becaufe, though ir· ðroughthe wholefoule, .yetprincipaiiy the~ fhrce and vigourofitis feene in the members, that is;in the inferiour partS·of rhe foul:e:faith· t ·he Apo!He, when I am thus difiempcred, and· ·put odides.myfelfe, when there is fuch a Law, . rebelling again!hheLaw of my mind, in fi1ch · a· cafe, I' am over:co·nre, and'led' captiue; but· , when I ammy felfe,. runne notr .ids the ftnne · . thatdwe11sin me. So much il1aW.ferveto:, have · fhewed you the difference betweene thofe re- : lapfes whichgodIymen are fubjetl: to,and thofe turnings and failings bacl~e into a continuance infinne,to which other men are fub)ect: For, . my Beloved,it mufl: not feeme ftran~e to us,; for both are alike fubject to'infirmitks; both are fubjed to r-eturne; asyou fee, a· ilieepe.may 'fall intothemyreasfoone as·a fwine, . for thecomSimile. miffionoflin,andfolikewifefor the omiffionof .. ~.--------------------------~d~u~t=ie~s·~=-------