Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

..,.Property, He prdfeth to themark that ia beforehim. NS --------------------~------------ dlities:arrApple-tree may hJve afit ofbJrrennes . aod unfruitfulndfe,as well as aCrab-tree,orany other; but the difference is great in the manner of them,as we lhewed: Butfl:ill the maine diife.. · rence is to be remembred~ that he that hath a perfect heart isfrill clenfing and purifying him– felfe ;the other do not that, but fo taU backe to finne,that they waUow in ir, as a Swtine doth in the myre;So much fhall ferue for this .. A fourth p operty ofaperfeel heart) you fhaii · find exprelfed, Phil.3. ifyou take the words together, from the rz. verfe to rhe r5. ( for I fay, the courfe we wiH .'hold, !hall be, to open · 'toyou tbofe places, where the Scripture fets downe the characters and properties ofa per– [eft heart:) not 1t1 thaugh I hadalready attainedit, or were alreadyperfec1; 6ut IfoUow after,~fImay ) comprehend that,for which1 am al(o comprehen– ded6y Ie{tH Chrift, &c. l pre(je hard to th0 marke, for thepriceofthe high CailingofGo D ipChrift lefos.:__Let ·the~efore as mttnfaS' 6e 'per~ . ftB;6e thusminded. The meaning of it is this, faith theApofUe, ·-this is.mycourfe: I haue not yet attained to perfection; but, faith he, this I doe,.! ayme at theutmofl:, even at the priceofthe high Calling of God in IeftU Chrijf: I ayme at theutmofr, even 3t the top of perfection: 1 and agai,ne, faith he,.I foUow And, faith . he, not one!y.I,butasinanfas "areperjetJ;tet t~em bethll:f minded,\Vhere, bytheperftt1, hemeane·s~ youfee,tiotone that bath -already a perfect 11ol lindfe, butone th~t is found-heart~d-: for, he . · · had