------------------=---~~~~~- --------------- - OF M -ANS . ~ he thinkes this · with himf;Ife, that to be fo frrait.laced1) thar he mull: be exact: in everything to obferue all his fpeeches,thathemaynot fpeak freely; and to.giue an account ofall his time, and of all his actions, that he may walke in many things according .to his owne .phanra– lies,accordiogt_o his ownede1ight and pleafure, he thinks) ifhe1nufi: be tyed to this, that hemay not, at any time, giuethe bridle to his humour and to hi~ inordinate appetite, but frill he mufr be fo reilrained and fettered, and pinioned, as it were, to walke by an exaCt rule, that all his actions, and aJl his fteppes may be pondered; he thinks withhimfelfe, it is more than he ihall ever be able t9 do; he doth not indeed prize C·hrijl and heave-n at fuch a rate,that he will be thus exact and perfect; .and therefore he aymes not atir, he never goes aboutit: And partly a– Heaymesnot g2ine; hc_-cau[e Ged indeed is not his ayme but at God,but 'J bim!clte. his owne fafety, his owne hap.pinetfe and fecuL rity,his owne efcapingof Hell and Judgement: therefore he cloth not feeke limply to pleafc God, and to keepe his Commandements, but he .feekes fo m.uch perfeCtion as will ferue his own turne,and tnerefore hedoth with it,even as , .ala~ieScollerdoth, that intends not fimply to Simit~. exccll in learning, but would' hane fo much learning as ,fhou1d paife through examination, andget adegree, or as a man that labours not fimply to geran excellency in the Art ofArith~ meticke, but would haue fo much onely as would.ke~pea Merchants booke, or.as aLaw- . .yer