Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

V pRIG HT N E s. yer.that would hau_e fo much Law onely as will ferve his .turne, as will ferue his pradife :: IC1y,when a man aymes -at this, y9u doe not fay knowledge is his ayme ; for were ir fo, he would defire to know whJtfoever is know– able, he would fet no limits to himfelfe, were: knowledge hisayme fimply:but we may fay tru– ly of fuch a man,it is not learning,but it is his: trade,his degree, Qr fome fuch particular thing, . that is his ayme: So it is with a man whofe heart is unfound, and not perfec1 with Go D :Go n 1 hirnfclfe is not hi? ayme, & therfore he doth not de(ireto keep~ h1s Commandements perfectly and exactly: for did he fo; he wouldfet noli– mits ~o himfclfe; he wouldd.o as Pauldothhere; . he would a:yme 3t the ut moH deg_ree ofperfecri: . on; but fuch mens ayn1e is their owne profit, . their owne advantage, their fecurit·ie anddelive- . raneefromHell and from fiJ.dgemcnts ·: that is:, . they·doe not. care fot holjneffe fimply confide.; red, . but fo.·farrc as it may,ferue fuch a turne;as > it mayd~Iiverthem from fiKh a Iudgement,as it is a bridge to lead them over to fuch.~a to. tbemfelues. And the LHt ground -.of this . difference be– rweene them,that they ayme not it the ut moft ' degree, is, bl:caufe an unfound-h~rted man hath notfo much ·ligbt in him,asto difcoverto him,to tbew to ~imthe 'Utmofi: degree of per;;.· fecrjon. Aman that hath but a ·moraiilight; a .. naturall common lighr; is able to fee gro!fe Evill, and.common duties that are contrary to · thern;__ 2, 61 ' 3 Hewantslight to difcover exatt holi- ' ndf<. j l