Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

I I' G 0 D s go; One was, he wan~ed fpec~h,hewanred abili– tie and gifts;·Hcwas ofaJlammering tongue 5 And the otherwas,thofe were aliue, that(he thought) 1 fought hislift:Ifhe had rhought thatGodwasable { to hauebin with his tor.Jgue, to haue firengthned him,and to haueimproved his gifts, and to haue inabledhim to the fervice: if he had dwught likewif~that he bad been able to h~iue defended him from rhofethatfought his lift, he would ne– ver haue difobeyed the Cemmandemenrs of. aod,andbin backward tq-performe-it as he was. And folikewife Rebecca, 'h7 hatwasthe reafon fl1e vfed that wyle& ihifr, that inordinatemeans. to bringagood thingtopaffe, to obtain the6lef- - Jing,whenlacob& ihe joynedin 1yingro Ifaack, but becauletheythought Godwasnot Sufficient to-performe that prornife?FortheMefsingbelon– ged tolacob, &no doubt b}Itheflmnld hauc hacl itinduetime. Andfoitisjnallthefaults ofthe saints;which are hence,becaufe they~pprehend nor Godtobe A tl-fujficient; even asit was in the firll: linne ofAdamand the Angels; what was the reafon that Adam felfromGod:ltthe firll:~Itwas hecaufeh;e defired fomething that he thought he could not find in the Lord, he defiredto know goodandevi!t, whichhe thought he fhould not haue in theLord,he thought the Lord had kepr it.from him,andtherefore hefl:epped _outfrom theLordtoeat that Apple, vling that as ameanes toobtainehis delire.And this, indeede, was the caufeofhis-falling away.So likewife,thecaufeof the falling of~he Ange!s,r Tim.,;.6.theApoftle fayth