2 Aperfect . heartfollowcs hard to the ' marke. OFMAN:S - fbetit; butthe exactnelfe ofperfection ·that is re– ·Suired,hefees not; or ifhe do difcerne it practi– fed byothers)yet in hisjudgememhe difallowes it, he thinks it isatfuing mo_re ·than needs.Where– as a man that is found hearted, ·one that is per~ feet, he approoves it, he fees anexceHency in it, he admires it in others, and would fainc i– mitate it himfelfe :and hence is the difference, thofe thatare unfound, they ayme not at per– fection; it is not their fcope, they deft re not t.he uqnofl:,the highcfl: degreeofholineffe;wher– as a man that hath a found heart, !till he labours to adde to that which is wanting, in his faith, in _his loue,in his obedience: And this is one diffe– 'r.ence, tha(he that is perfett (faith he )is thus minded. The fecond is;· hee fo!lowes hatd, he cloth not onely make the marke his utmo!l: aymc, but he followcs _after it hard; that is, it is the property of a man that is perfea, that he . doth not loyter in the way, but :he followes h1rd to. the marke though he be fubjed to many decayes, to many fwarvings and decli– ·nings, yet frill he makes them up againe, ftill be-repayres thofe breacnes in his heart;- and though many times he ficppc out of the way, fl:illhe recovers himfelfeagaine; fo that his con... · fiant and ordinary worke is, every day to make his heart perfettj where hefinde~any crooked .. neffe, to fet it ll:raight againe; where he finds any defect,. he labours to fupply it; this is 1 his ordinary and confiant courfe: So !Je- ~ ·l . - , loved ~------~----------~-----------------------------