A L L • s·v FP xc ·I tt N c v~ f~th fi·~1,; th-is, they meete with fome rub, fome crolfes,fome barre,fome Lyonin therWt~}, which theyarcnot able tQgrapplewith,itisroo ftron_g -·for them :and then they tyrne out oLth·ew.1y; the reafon, I fay, of.all finae and dep.:uturcJfrom theLord is,becaufe weedbe not apprehendhim tobe AU-fufficient:for ifwe did, wfiy i110uld not aman in an cafiecafe, turne from him ras -Well as in themoft difficult? · ' - As, for example; Dtt-vid(following the Lord long,yet whenS·aul grew,exceeding ft:t~f!_g, and heveryweake, then-he lletppedafid~,ctnd fayd:i!) his heart, I fM!lper(fh oned4y;ana:rohego~s out ofG~ds wayes,artd f130eth toAchisitotlle .Phili. ftins : Tbis,_w.as frQm hence, thadh'editf.not -ap- . , prebend the /.J()rd.to~b.e71-!Lfofficielit ltn1i~Hi~{~h · tiefor-thewor.dfigoinethbt<>th.\ , '.___. ·· ··. -Andfo IikewiCeM-ifo.;,Num6Lir what...was the r~fon that he~lbart.ed -a.fide., thathedid-not-be– ~*ueasat othertimes ':"1 Wh~nGod&¥a, ~o 1:Hrq~ thatb'ewouldgiuethemflef11fudumoneth t'oge:. ther; wb~tfairhMofts againe{Shttl!frxe hundred thoufond men be fedwith flefb, Jha!lt~!ltheB_eeues tfpdSheepe6e jlainr,orfoal/ 'll!l r.hefiJh in thesea6e gathere-dtogether?Hecouldnorbeleem~theLord, here was a difficultie, that Mofes was not ableJ.o reach,thattherefhouid befo many fed-with ae·$ and thatin thewilderne(fo,and tpatfor anwtiet.H together'!heethought i't' impoffible t(ifbee done; that all the fifh in the Sea lhouldbe-gathered to:– gether, & aillittle·enough to ferue fuc-h·Jl tnrne: Nowmarke theLords al1[ were there~,-if the LordS. Thecaufc whymen ttt·rne frorn God. In!hncC'SOf doHbtirog in difficult c.a!es. Numb.xr, -1 D han'd ·-----~-----------~---....._ ______ .. __ _