Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

'I 0 . D S h.tndjbortt:net/!Y-Qumay know by-the medicine ; what the difeale was;Mofos(faith he)thou.rhink. eft I amnot able to do it, thou thinkell my hand is f110rtened that I-cannot doe it. ·And thelike ,was whenhecame to draw water Qut oftherock: you fhallfeeM~stherdl:ucke:fo~ thecafewas . acafeofdiflicu1ty.Ifit hadbinout ofthe earth, where there ~ad- beene probabilirie, it had not . beene fo much:butMofesmakes two arguments., againfl:it,( you knowho\v great the finne was •. for the whkh he loft going into the Land ofea·-. . n.tan,Ifay,he m-akes thefetwoar.:5umentsagainff it. ) Firll:,faith:he, thepeopl~are rebels-, andwil·l the Lord giue them ·water, that haue carried themfelues infuch a manner~that was one thing., that caq(eq his infidelityat that time. Another · was, What? /hall Igiueyotiwater o11t ofth~ rock.~ · Asifhe fhould fay, Thatis-adifficuli: thing. So thatpmthefe two together, out ofthe rocke and unto re6els, there his faith fayled.~ for it Was dif- . ·ficult: ·and whence came this '! Becaufe -h'ee · thought d1e iordwas not Af!:-fufflcient. Andfo,likewife, Marth~anaMary;whcnthey cameto·Ch.r.ifl:· for L"azarus-; when he was dead, . they .were outofhope:the reafon washecaufe . there was -adiffirulty,now more then before ;fo– that I fay, thecornon caufe ofourturning aftde from theLordis, becaufewee meete with fome difficulties.which ourfaithis notable to grapple , ·with & it arifeth from hence, that we forgerrhis thattheLordfaith toA6raham, Jam GodAtmigh tie>or .A{l ..flffficient.. abk to do ,. whatfoee,_verJ.will•._ Befides ,