Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL ·SVFFICIE NCY. 1'9 !. - Befi~es th1is:whhatisthhe. cau[~ tb~a~men fe~ke 2 •. j after vame- g ory,t at t ey are tU JC'-'" to envte·~ Seekingpraife \ (t· that / us isfobj e!f toenvi~)for every w;ch men the , manenvieth another;becaufe he ddireth vainecaufeof it: glory .too much to himfelfe ·~this arifeth from hence, that he reckoneth not God to be Allfofli· cient. Thatis,Ifwe did reckonitenough tohaue praife withGodifwe thought that hi5 knowledg ofouruprightnes were fufficier,though n(:) man . in the world knew it befides,we would be con~ tentwith that honorthat we haue,which he hath .allotted to us within our own co111paffe, bur, be· <aufe wethinke him not to be AUfoffcient, wee would hauefomething,likewife,fi·om the Crea ture,wewould h:me honor,loue,&refpea from tnen;which finnearifeth hence, that wee appre– hend not him to be AU~(ttfjcient ;fo doth that, likewife, which .iscontrary toit(forthey arefins . ofthe fame naturc&thcy arife both fi·orhe fame ground )when menarefo fenfibleofi1ume, and 1 h dd·r. ,../d 'fi .,., d h' W1ywe:~re reproac ,an agrace,~ 1 paragemet, ot lt lotenfible of notarife hence,~hatwerec~omansday too much ret'roach. and G~dsday too little~ Wee apprehend not God enoughin hisgrearnes;01sthe ApoUlefairh,Ireckon not to bee judgedby mansday. As ifhe ihould fay. It is but aday,it is but a time that man harh to judge:there is another day,theLords day.,that greatday.Ifamandidapprehcnd thatwhichis . inGod,ifhedid fee his cA!l-fo!Jiciency,hewould not regard to be judged by mans day,aslongas he were not judged by the Lord hee would not care what his fellow- prifoners thoght ofhim,as 1 . .Dz ~~ . .... ' I I '