Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

, I , I ..- . O .FGons is A!l-(ufficient.That is,he is able to fatisfiehim, he is able to fill him withjoy & petttetflro~tgh be– leeving, which ihould be enough to fatisfie his heart with contentment; he is able, likewife to I mortifie that lull, fo that, as heis forbidden the fatisfying ofit, fo, likewife he 1hou1d haue no fuch prevailing ddire to it. And therefore the way to -keep ou~hearts perfed with God(for that is the thing for which I prdfe all this, for which I bring all thefe In!l:ances) it is to come to this, to fet downe this conclufton with our felucs, that he is LA!l-fufficient: No man is ·ever fit to ferue him without this :except a man bee content to haue Godalone for his_portion;ifhee will joyneany thing with him, ifhe will joyne Godand credit together, God,and riches tQge– ther, Got/, and pleafures together, he will never keepe clofe to him: for one time or other, there wiU..falJout afeparation betweenedod, & thefe things,. and whofoever cloth not refolue thus , with himfelfe, I will be contentwithGodalone, theogh he firip meofall things in theworld, I fay, hewillnever keepe clofe to theLord, but his wayeswill be uneven towards him. Apofi;~e the The yongman in the GofPel would never haue .groundofit. gone away fad, ifhe had thought G~dhad beene All-fofjicicnt: but he ·thought, when his riches weretakenaway,thatlomewhat was taken from him that belonged tohishappines,that he could nothaue beene1o well withoutir.Againe, Ahittham, on the other·fide, would never haue beene willing to haue offred Ifack,ifhehad notthoght that