Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

: I' I I ! I i :!j 1!1 · Theme3nes .ofemptying ·man otJJim·-· .icltc. ---,..;.__--------------;I that t:hilde.iliould, ,and that anq.. ther fhouldhee given him, that was legitimace~ Did not the Lord recompenceit abU;ndamly to · him,whensatomonwasgiven to hitn;i-n his !kad'! And fo Paut,.hee was exceedingdefironstobee .freed from that temptation,whichno doubt was · very grievqus to him, that did gall and vexe his. minde continually, even asapricking of thejle.fli' doth :yet it was much better for Paul, it was not becaufeGodwas not All-fufft~ient,eitherin pow– er-, or in loue to him :..but hee was aa exceeding .greatgainer·by that me~me~, hewJs emptied of himfelfe forthads the fcope ofGod in thewaies ofhis providence towards his-children, even'·to mag'nifie himfelfetowards them, which cannot: bewithoutemptyingthem· ofthemfehies,by.dif~ covering to them their owne infuffi.ciencie: and · thatis done partly, byaffiiction;and partly··by finne, but chiefly by finne, becaufe that workes mqre immediatly upon man;itmakes him to fee · how little excellency, & how little worth, there is-in him :it makes him againe to fee the glory, 1 and the power, and the purenelfe ofGod;to·mag• l nifie him, and to·humble himfelfe; this .Pal!tl'got I by ir~a?d it·better fo1~ him,~e \ abetter condltlon by It•. Therefore,! fay ,this conclufion mull: be fet gowr:~ethat the LordisAll-fu!Jicient; & when we£1lliliort ofany thing that we defire, Jayir not uponGod, that theLordis fl10-rt of his performance) ofany promife,that heecompa_jfeth usnottt6out with mercie,.on everyfide, as muchas weneed, that heddiue.rsus.notfromevery evil!:· . · for.··