ALL ·SVFFlCIENCY. ~7 ·-( . . - ~-------- , forhee will inake that good alway, that nogood ,t hingjlMilbe wanting !D them that lead agodly life: ,I He is aSrmnt andajlueldtothem.Andwhenfoe– ver it is orherwife, it is becaufe itis not befl: for them :but this is adigreflion i the thingwe~haue -to doe ( for all this is but apreparation )is to per– fwade you now that theLordis Allfoffcient : as wee told you,we handle this poynt firlt, becaufe it is a preparatiue to the reil: : It fbewes you of what moment it willbe, fo to be perfwaded, and ofwhatevill confeqnenceitis,nottobe fo per– fwaded. Now I willadde aword ofthe fecond · point; that Dot!,>. l _ GoD is vf//.{ttffcient. GodisAU- ~ fufficient. Toprouethathe is fo,I will propound to you 1 but thefe two reafons; · Firfr, confider that all that is in the ereatu re,all l· Rea[on. t • . the comf<'rts, all theexcellencie, all the beautie Thecxccllen1 . b f d . l . b b d \ cyof the crea. nat JS to ec oun m nem, IS ut on·owe , . rme Jsbor.. and derived: Godis the primitiue,he is the origi- i·row~d. · na11,he is the firfr,the univerfall caufe, the generail caufe ofall: henceweegatherthis,thatthere is anAlt·fufficiency in him,and in him oncly, hee ,is4!l·foflicient, exclufiuely: fo that no creature . .hath any fufficiencie, at all in it felfe :for, you · ,mufi know,thatthe crearnreaddesnothingar all to his fufficiencie, bur aH fufficie_ncieis.compre– hended in hin"l; for if they be all d ~rived & bor– rowed things, then~hey are 'in the Creature, but asfarre ;IS it pleafeth him tO communicate the E 2 · <tune --------------------~--~----~------~ ~--