Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ill '" I 'ill I ; r. '. 'I I • .. 28 . I~r. 2.·_. 1 3.~· The-comfort intheCrea. t'Qrcis : : 1. Derived. !! . Adead com– fort, 4· Abro.ken comfort; .fame to them: now that it is fo, fee ! er. r . I 3. My people(fairh the Lord) !Jttue com1!J#ted twoevils~ ihey hatteforfakenme,thefountain ofliving waters and(fecondly)httue diggtdto themfeluespits that holdnow-ater. Where wee maybriefly obferue: Firfi,thatG'odisthefpring,from whom all corn- · forts come originally,thepits,you know hautthe water, but borrowed and derived from thefoun– tftine;[econdly,there is fomethlng in this,that he calleth thempits,that is the comfort in the crea– ture is amixed comfort, it is like water in apit, it is muddie,and not pureanddea r.e, likethe wa. ter i-n the fountaine : That is, the comfort that ~omesmeerely fro111 the creature(ifyou receiue any comfort in the creature, ifGods hand benot i-nit)itisalwaymixed with. fome fo_rrow, with fome evill,,but ifit come from the tord, it is a pure comfort: he giues riches,and-noforrowwith them. Thirdly, the comfort that is in the crea– ture, it is bur a dead comfort compared to that whieh isin the .[;or d).and-.thereforehe is faid to oe a fountain ofliving water,thatis,running wa-: . tcr. The comfort that the creamre)it is able to doe little, it is quickly [pent, and when it is fpent,there is no -more in-it:b-ut the comfort that isinGod, it is like waterth(lt commerh our ofthe fpring, whichisftillrenewedfrom day -to day, and thereforeit is called living water,rhere is no endof-it, ·but Hill'it flowcs more and inore.Laft of all,theyare hrol<en pits that cannot Hold the comfort-that they haue, though ther be comfort · yet it is like liquor in abrittleglaife, that is not · abk·