Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL .. s v ·F F 1 c ·I EN c v. 29 able to hold this 'comfort in the creature,it is but · borrowed comfort,and therfore we fee 1Tim. 6. 1 Tim. 6. 17· 17·(whereaninfrance is given ofriches.) charge thofe that are rich in thuworld,that they he n()t high . ·minded,that the)>trujl not irnmcertaiwe riches ,hut in the livingGod,thAtgivethall thi,gs Abundantly tot~?joy. Marke(you lhallifee there the difference)1 .th~ttheytrufr not in nncertaine riches, but in the livingGud,that is, riches are but dead things,Gedl · ,is the living God: they are able to doe but fome things for you; Godgiuesyou aUthings,and giues abtmdantly. And;againe,ifriches doe fomething~.. .yet the enjoying they not able to giue;brit / the .iordgiuesus all things abunda.ntly to enjoy . · Now, .whenwe confider, that whatfoever is in the Creature,it is but a borrowed· and derived' Simile. comfort,then thefojficien&y is wholy in theLord . hce is the G~dofall comfort; as the Sunne is the caufe.ofall light, whatfoeverthe ayre hath,itis derived from the Sunne, fo whatfoever ·is·inthe creJtur<:',iS derived ftomGod, an'd,thereforethis is 1 one ground, why 1 w;,.~ !hould perfwade our 1 , j , fe ues, that hcis c.d l:Ju 11 icient. Thefecondisthis, heis All-jujficient,becau[e 1 1 Rea[.1.. J he ondycanbethe author ofgood and evili:that GhodAonhely f\l f I h" h d . h d 1 e ut oro ,you mow)w lC can oenelt ergoo nore- good8cevill. 1 vil,there isno.fi1ffidency initataii.Now it is the 1 propertie ofthe Lordtodoe b'oth,as we fee Jer. er. 1 0 ; f · ! r o.5.a placeworthyour·confideration,Theidoli / l Jhznd upa.r apalme-tree ,lut they /}cake not; they are · . ·hiJrne,beeaufethey cannotgo,flare them not,hecauft they c~tn doe neitherg~odnor tvi!LThis is the ar- . ljL . E 3:. g!lment,.:. ~