Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

. .l\ L L - S V F F I C (E N C Y. ( ~I , Butyouwill fay to me, we find it otherwifein ohjeEJ. experience we finqe that:they are able to doe us The creatures ' ' h . haue nopower good,andtodoeus Utt. . butfromGod' ' You haue aon anfwer.for·that, Joh Ig.Il. when Anjw• .Pilate faith to our Saviour,haue I not f6Wf'r tocruIohn 19. llo · cifiethu;ortodoafethel? Hee anfwerethno :thou hall none at all ofthy felfe: Indeed; thou hafi: ·a p.ower:, but it isgiven thee from aGoue, thou haft not a jot more then is difiributed to thee ; ifyou compare that withAcr.4.28 .you fhallfeeit }Vas ;fo: PilatandHero:djoyned together,to do what- Atb.4,:.8. foeverGodhad appointed before:they didnotthe leafi evill, but Godhad appointed it: And fo·itis .with all :the creatures, theprincip~ll creat:ures, that wehaue to doe with:, and that we fee before JIS1 even,men they doe:us not{ without his com– -p.1iffion) the leaft goodnorrhe leafl: hurt~ When -Shemei curfedDa·vid,youknow whatexpretlion heufed; the Lord hath hidShimei cur[(, asifhee £houldJay,neither s himei,nor any man els inth'e wor ld,could~ mouehis tongue,ifGod:did notfay _tofu eh a man, goe curfe him, go,eand rep11oach him. ItisfaydofFutand Tiglah-pilefor,Kings of ~fJYritf,thattheLordfi1rred them up,&they car:.. ried his people away captiue :ifGodhad not ltir– .r.ed up their fpirits, they had not done the leafr · t hing.Youknow, oft it isfaid, the K:ing of Afour ~tkefttrffiin~ htind; &fo Gyrus is ttid to-bee his fervanr, he fiirred.him up,he was his ihepheard, :~o do ,~hatfoeverheddiredtohis-. fheepe .Jfo.44 Now1fa man beable todonothing,but as £1rre Ifa. H· · , ~~- Goa'fets· him onworke,then·,much1elfecan o:. '· ilicr