Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

, 1 i : I· , ''I , I;' 'I' I I 1 '· ,I ! ' 1', All GODS Commande– ments groun• dc:don rc:afon • OF ·Go ·D 'S ther .things, as riches :> and thelike, they can doe no more then men c:tn doe: for what ferue they for,.butto fet men a worke:fo, honour, and cre– dit, and efiimation,which men fo much efteeme they.can doe no morethentheycandoe;forthey fet men onwork~ to doe good, as reproach fets them onworketo doe hurt. Now ifthere be no man,nor no creature in heaven, that can «oegood or hurt; TNhy fhould we be fervants to· men~ Why lhould we bcfubjett to carnall de, 1ights,·ro carnall feares ~. to carnall hopes, and . the like~ furelyitis hence, wee over-value the Creature, wee rhinke it is able todo~fomething, wee thinke that there is fome filfficiencie in that, andnott.Ail-fofficien&yin Godcerrainely, ailthe Commandements ofG o D, are grounded upon, .cleare reafon, ifwe wereable to finde it out: But ,nowwhenthe Lordrequiresat our hahds, that we worfflip him al.together; thou jhalt hatte no o– ther.G~ds lmtmee, thou fhalt ferue me onely,thou lhalit:bdrow tny felfe wholly upo me, thou ilialt beeperft8with tne, as you fee here :furely, it is upon this ground, thou.ilialt haue all from mee, and therefore thou ilialtdoallro me.Ifanycrea– nuewere able to doe goodor hurt withoutthe Lord,iftheyhad any part or portion with him in bdngauthorsofourgood,cerrainly,they lhould haue a portion ofour feruice: for there is re<Ifon . and equitie in it, that that which dorh usgood,in · fuch manner,wdhould feekeunto it, wee fhou1d ferue it: and Iikewife,ifit could doe us hurt; bm l , ,nowjn that theLordchallengcth allro himfclfe, . (Ifay)