Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

' 130 In thii-lifi,thing.rcomealik!toall. ofthisJife,in this world,there are the like events tO both,he deales With the OAe,as With the Other This is his common courfe, as the Wifo?nttn ex. pretfeth it bothhere and in other places. In the 1 x. verfe -ofthis-Chapter,I obferue,faith he, and • I fee,ThAt the Rttceis n1t ttltVttyes te the (wift, nQr theBAttaile t1 theftrtJng,nfJr Richu to Mnllnof Nn· derftanding,n~rfovoNr tomcn')ofknowledge, &c. but he that is weake gets the battaile,and he that is ~ore unwifegets favour,&c. So hethatde– ferves the bell:,miifeth it,and he that deferve:s the worfi,obtaines it. So likewife in the 3.,Chapter, youfhallfeethisfully,ifyou compare that and the latter end of this ninth _, Chapter together: Thereis,faith he,amanthdfru!estiJ his ownhurt, andtothehurtofothers; yet,fairh he, this man continues in it,yea, he ceminues in it in peace, even to his grave ;and norfo only, but when he is gone,and iscomefrom the holyplace, that is,the place of Magifi:racy ( which is thrre called the holy place)it is41/fortotten;though hehad done evill, yet he continued in peace, and dyed in peace, and after aJfo there was no biemilh calf: upon him, butitis forgotten:thisi have feene) · faithS11lomon • . Againe,you fhallfinddtas true on the contra ry fide: I h11ve.foene,faith he, apooreman thatwtH wife,thAt hathddiveredaCitie,whenagreat King hddmatleforts 4gainjlit: That is,though he were a poore man,yet through his wifedome, He deli– vereditfrom agreat King;But,faith he, this ttlfo w.tsforg'Dtten: The poore man was forgotten,and fo