\ S3i In thir life,thingJ' come ali{~- to all. · ' .. . . Godufctha libertic in cwo ebiags. I Iacleetio& arrow,when he changed his clothes, &covered himfdfe,and dilfembled his·perfon even as well as Aha!J was, you ihall fee no di.fference in the cafeasitis·defcribed, z Chron.3 :; .the fame con– dition fell to them both, they both difguifed themfelves, the Archers both fbot at randome, Goddirected the Arrowestoboth ofthem,both were ficke andwounded in their Chariots 7 both were carried out of the Battaiie, yet the one a very~ood King, and the other awicked King. .You fee againe, Ioftphwas put in prifon for in– nocetlcy, as well as Pharaohs Butler and Baker were fortheir offences. ., Youfee~!o(es and Aaron were excluded out ·ofthe land ofpromife, as well as murmuring rebellious Ifrael: the fame ~ondition was to the oneas to the other. Ifagaine you lookeupon the good fucceffeof men,yo.u fhalJ findc:itthe fame: You ihall fin de ;Nelm.ahadnezzarprevailing, and reigning fortie yearesin profperitie as well as you fee KingDa– vi.dreigned fortie yeares,andGodshandw.uwith him,to blelfehim in all this:All this youfee under theSrm.ne.Onely th!s you are to obferue,rhat itis but for a-time,thar theLorddoth this; he doth it not all.wayes, this isnot the coilfiant condition either -oft·he one;or ofthe·orher: And therefore youmutbknow, (that this truth may be cleare . to you ) that 'Godufeth a libertie in thefe two thirige: - Firfl:,he ufeth a Jibertie io eledion,he choofeth o.neandrefufethanother, and that for no other • reafon,