• . ' In thi1 life~thingJ' come4/ik! to all - 1J; --~----~~~~~~------------~ reafon, becaufe it pleaferb him. · · Secondly,Tn his puni~ing and rewarding the fonnes ofmcn,elc4 and reprobate, he ufeth ali– berty iiJ two things. Firfr, In the time of theiraffiid'ions and re– wards. - And fecondly, in the mannerand qualitie of their rcwar~s ;~Ad punHhments. - · · I Jnpuniill· mencaRdre– wards,intm things. In the fubfl:ance itfelfe he ufeth no liberty at rlli bunhisisan_inf~lliblerule, tharwillbe al– wayes true, ThAt hertJVArisevery mAn Acc1rtiing to/#Jw~rke,herewardsthcgoodaccordingtohis worke)and he rewards the evil! accordingtohis wo rke;but yet,I fay,with this difference, in the - timeheufethalibeny,it mayb~,he deferreththe lAthe time• . rewarding of{uch~man a long time;he deferres _. likewife the pupilhmenc of fuch -a one along , time; with othe~s be deales quire contrary, he 'funds puni~mentsupon them prefentlyafter the finneiscommitted, hegives ~reward prefently . after the-good dted is done. And fo likewifein themann~r ofthepunifu· I~thc~~er ment:thereare punilhment$ofdivers forts,fome are morefecretpunifhments,fom~aremorefcandalous, fomearetaken out for examples, that others mayfeare; others be let alone, and makes themnotexamples .Thisliberty he ufethin the difpenfing ofhis punifhments; andthe like be doth in his rewardsSome he rew:ards openlyfor theirwell doing, that othe.rs might be encoura- . ged. Somemen he fuffers towaicealong rime, andthere comes n9.prefent reward : they ihall D d have ' .