Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Nottob.! of– fended at GodJ · duling,. ; \ " . ·. WhyGod for . a timei\tfpeR• .f~th rhings ' promifcuoaf-, : ly. Reafon I· Tou1mcn~ !n tbirlz{e,\thingrcorne alii<! to all.. ·· have a reward according to their works, but yet this·Iiherty G1duferh in the 4ifpenfation ofit. I this be fo,then let us not be offended,·Jet us not thinke,that (lod is not therfore All-fu.lficirnt,.bc,. caufe he deales fomtimes wi h the righteous accor, di ·gto the works ofthew_icked,[ometirnes with the wicked ttcctJrding to o'fthe righteotu_rfot . you fee hewill be All~(ufficient; he will keeprh~ Hibfianceofthisrule,hewilrewardevery mttN'ac.. cordingtu his worke,hc will makegood his t.AU– fojficiency ~!1 performing his promifes unto them, that belongto.him; and agaihe, he will makego0d all his threatnings to thofe that are . -enemies to him~ · . . · But now·for thedmeof his difpenfation, and adminifiration ofthings, iris true, he takes a li– berty to himfdfe. And to make this the cleerer ., ·· ro you, I wiUdoe thefe twothings. ' · · . Firfi, I will fhew you ~he rea-fons, why Go · cloth thus fo ·r~nime, why thus. he difpofeth 711 · things for a feafon. • And fee-ondly, I will fh~w you. .this, that . though he doth thus for afeafon, yet certainely; he is tAU-fufficit:nt :oth~good,itJl~aUgo. w. eftwith .them,tmdit}ballg6ttllt?!tthftnnn-.r. Firfi: Ifay,Goddoth thusfora time: And why~ · one reafonis,That 6odinaytry the faith and .fin– cerity ofmen:forifwhen men have finned, God . · iliouid [mite prefendy~ if when they, doe well, c ~dfhould rewardthem prefen.tiy,theywotddbe drawne to well-doing, & from·eviii-doing, not , by fincerity andbyfaith,but byfence. Now-the , . ~!lr