. .. , j In thi.r life,thing.r come alilit to all. Lcrtl the refore dcferresit,~e puts it off,th~tt thoft thAt are proved, m~ty be laumm, that what men do out offinceritiemay appea~e to be fo, that men may live /,yfaith,lindTJDthyfen{t,thatm~n might · bedrawneto liveby right refpeds, and not by fenfuall -and carnall r~fpects,as they would doe ~ ifeither his panilhments were prefently, or his / reward. . Secendly,The Lorddoth it.tt) fpare mankind; Re.11[.1. · for ifthe LcrJ fuould .punifh prefently, men Tofpatemen. lhooldperifhfrom the earth. Arid therefore he Simil~. doth in this.cafe,as Generals are wont to do with their Souldiers, when there is a generall fault committed, theycall: lots, ,md pick out two or three,and put th mto death, that thewholeAr.. mymay befaved:So theLorddoth,he takes here . ,and,thereooe,whom(it may be)he follows with · optn and great jud!:)ements for opeh linnes: But forothersagaine_, the generality, he fufters and lets themalo~e,be~aufehe wouldfparemankind This reafon I find ufed, Gen. 6 3. the ~ord faid G:n,6.J. there;when hewas al?ou.r to deil:roy man from theearth,My /pirit jh'-41no longtr ftriv.ewith man, forke is ht~tjlcfh ! That is, ifi ihould continually .dealewi~h men, (iS I doe now, if I {l~ou1d wke them·, and fweepe them/away with the bcfome _ of ddl:rudion, as I doe th~fe;, ; there would re– maine no fldh upon the earth; and ther.efore, faithhe,J ~iUnot flri'l!e with them,butbeare with r-. . thempaden~.ly,t}Jough their ftnn~sareg~eat and . many. , . _ . . . . Againe,theLwd~oth it, tha~ he m~ghtkecpe Dd:: from ...- .... - ~- - ! . ,, '