Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

' . .1~~ Reaj (JfJ 3· Tohidee~ uents from men. 1 ' I I . ... 1 . A~h1 7• I Rt4J.+ To bring foorthhls ueafurca. ~ejl. In thir lifi,thin,gr coneali~to all. from us the events of things:It is his good plca– fu re to referue them to himfel fe, and therfore he goes not in a conll:ant courfe. Wher'1 men finne, he doth nor }'refently punifh,neither whenaman cloth well,dorh he prefently reward him,thar is,; he goes not in one tract)as it were, but fometime hedoth theone, and fometimes the other, pro– mifcuoufly;& for this end,faith the Wifem~tn, br lJAth mAde this c~ntrary to that, that nomllnmight jndeanythingafterhim: That is, that he might leave no foodl:eps behind him ; as we have that phrafe ufed,R{imi 1.33·HDW 'UNJcearch~tb!eare thy w~yes )Andthyjudgementspit(f frding 61# tt The word in the originall fis nificrh, that when God goeth,he leaves novefligia,norprint.behindhim fo that aman connot fay,hewillgoe thisway,he goes it not fo ofr,as to make ap2rh·ofir;(I fpeake ofthefe particularthings)he doth notfo difpenfe good .and evili, puni.furnents or rewarde, that a man can fay,the,t.~rJwill do this. And the rea– fon of this is,becaufefuturethings, the eventof things, it is his good pleafure to keepe to him felfe : as hefaith, Acrs 1.7 It is not for 'lgNto lmo111 thtevent ofthings, mhich thtF~ttherht~tbkt/1 I# himfelft:and therforc he ufeth this promifcuous · difpenf~tion of puniiliment and reward, that he might bide thefe things from the fonnes u men. Fourthly,h~dorh it likewife,that ltem~ybring fdn ·hthe treafures,both ofhis wr•th, and ofhis ··. · I mercy . Y-ou wiU fay,;how ,1hallthatbedone~ · Saitb