Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

In thir life,thingr come .ali~ to .all. --------------~----------------- ' 'Saith ~od, :iflih~uld · pr~~·ndy ~uN>tfa ·finnet, :Ho~"~:d and fhould :not ·forbeare .htm~ (hlS <WlCkedneffe rdrawnouuhc ·fu®.U:ld ·not'befull, I will let the l...Azmoritts alone, t~e:1fures of · · .Gen..r 5.15 .that theme.t!Nreot' tneirfi.nhemhiht /;e ·lihts·nratbto · • 'J" 'J . ~ . an.ocrs. )folfiUeJ : Thatts,Goa'purpofe~yforbearesthem, Gcn.xr.x6. .. 'j wi~hgrearpatien~e,Rom. ~· z~. He leaues them., • u. ·and ·h~apes .merCies and ;kmdnelfes -upon them, . · that they ·coticinuing-in their ftnnes, .·and abu· . Jing his ·patience, recompen"!ing him evill for · good,he·mightthe:nd.ra~outthe_treafures ofhis ;wrath. :lfhdhould take them fuddenly and -cut , hemoff,·there ·might :bee butfome ofh1s wrar'h :manifefl:ed upon thefonnes of ·men; :but vihea th~y runne a'longcourfdn finn1ng, when they ,ma.l<:e -ah_eapeoffinne, then :God drawes.out the · treafu res ofhis wraih<and ~powe1·, thatistheve1y ·reafonufed, Ro~.1-~ '22.andli~ewife1lom.z ..q.. 'Rom.~: .,~ . .TheLordhath('ertametreafuresof wrath, as we Rom.II· :u. fe~Deut.32;33,34,35· ·wherefpea1dng of the Dcut ~~133, .childr.enoftjradh-: faith,t·hat'hefu.ffendthemto, '34 , 3 S· , 'gr8w ( th;tdsthe,mean!ng ofthat place) M it man ·Jufferstl vineto .grow,Jfojfendyou te Zrtngforth ' grapes, I didnottroubL·you,no.rinterrqpryou, ' but whenyoulhou1dhaue 'had goodwiaein your .. grapes torefrefh Godttntbnan, faith he,yot~r wine wtUas the pbyfon ,f D r4gflns, and as the gall of Afpes; in Head ofdoing good, and being fer . •. viceahle tomen, when1gaueyou·fo much rell: ..and peace. ·T.hewine·you brought fooith was ' hurtfulltom:m; aspoyfon·,and as the .gall and · hitterne1fe ofArpes,which is the moll: hurcfu11 thing in the world. - D d 3 Now . I