Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

"S ~8 Jnthif lffe,tbingr come ali{e to all. i · Now,faith theLord,all this have I done, that· t . . (, ,I I might Jay it up, I havefettled it up am1ng my1 trea[ure :for vengea,:1-ce and recompence ts mine: 1 T?at is,tht refore have I fufferedall thi_s, that I ,mlght draw forth all my treafures of wrath, 'which otherwi!e would be hidden, arJd never . oo~ned ·and manifdl:ed to the world. HgvvGod dravves forth the r r• a~ures ofmuq· to thegodly. Tamtu~ I ~I' helike he doth to thegodly,hefuffers them to l go_ on,he (uffi: rs them to dowell, and yet for all' \ thts, he.gtvesthem no preient reward, but leaves them to themaliceof men, to thehand ofthe'e· :nemy,and fuffiTs them toprevaileagainft them, he fuffers them to bcinpoverty, in perfecmion, in prifon, robe taken away by death, &c. And . why dorh he fuffer. fuch variery ofTemptarions Ito come to them~ Iamesr. becaufe their grace, and rheir patience,and their fi1ith might bemore M ~.. rryedJhatthey mi_o hthavea larger Reckoning. at•t.5.xo-. ., _ _, 0t,ratth.5 ro. Ijle[{ed are tho(e that fojfer for righteoufneffifoke .~and by this meanes he draws· forth the treafitresof his mercy.. Ifthe reward £hould be prefently,it f110.uld not be {o grc:ar a re– ward, but whenhe fuffers anv man to do well, ., and then letshimwaire, by that meaneshe·rakes Heb,lo.3G. occafion tO bethemore boundfuJ.J,as fue fai~h tO them,Heh. I o. 36.Whenyou havedone hiJ will,ytm ht:veneedeofpatirnce: That is,.the Lord frill dep .ferres, that yon .might £hew yo~tr parien.ce, tbat, youmight-have thehonour'" to fuffei·, . as well .as todo~and fo he might f11ew· forthonyou., the ri– ches and tfueTre.~tfores~fhis me~cy. · Reaf. 1 -. i Lafily,another reafon~hyGoddothit,is~b~- •. 1 . CU1e · r-~----~~~--------~~--------------~