ln this life,thingJ' comeali~ toaD. ~~-·' caufe thetirme0f - t~is life is the timeoffl:r-iving' .. ofrunnina of acting it is nor the time'of beino ~huhfei~ a l:>' ' . • b ,tJmeaflln. rewarded,as lam. I . I2.BlefJed .ts hethatendurcth · ving. the timeo(tryall. God · putsa man for the time of I Iam.x.u• .this life to many try alshe puts a good man to fuf fer many crofies and affiittions, to fee whether . he will bearethem or no,hee giues .hirn n.ot breJ ' · fent liberty, prcfent pro! peririe, nor prefem re– wards,&c. Saithhe, whenhe is tryedhejh.t!t re . .ceiue the crowneof glory, which he hathpromifedto ·the,m tbat loue him,~hen and not before; fo I fay , the time ofthis.life is the time offiriving. . You know mendoe notgiuethereward rill the wrafiling·bedone;t hey arc not knighted till the l:>attailebe en.ded;they giue not tbe garland; till therebe an, end ofrhe eombate:Therefore Rom. Rom.2..). ·z. 5the Iafi day is called the manifefiation or de1Tld 1 edayof l · . .c 1 · · (! d S h' 'll h j a · "tnent the . c ardtton o1 niS] u Ju gement. o t at t1 t en; tim;ofreward ..there is no d{'cbration ot the ju a judgmentof -Godone way or other. The-re is not a declaration ofwrathtillthen, nor adeclaration ofmercytill then; for atimetherfore the Lsrd fuffcrs them to · go.e on,he difpenfeth the eveht ofgood andevill of pnnifhmentsa~d rewards promifcuoufl ythat· the fonnesofmen might betryed;but when the · race is done,then he will make good hispromife to the one,and his rhreatnings unro the other. But now,though the Lorddoth this for atime as you fee he cloth forafeafon, yet remember this againe for your comfort; that it is but for a feafon,it fhaL\ not alwayes be fo;as the w;p.. man-refoluesin the Ohapter.before my Text: D d 4 Saith 1 • ' - '