Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

\ ·.1nthis life,things come· ali~· to all. 141 ·as holyas hewas,flill hiseye.rcA»not116iJf iniqui;,. tie, frill he is p·owerfull as· he was, there· is n'' clumge rn htm·nurfhadenr oftNrning•. An~' there. ;for~ thinke with~hy ~~lfe,. l\etl1~t was· fo: fevere ,agat?ft Saul for &reakm~ th~1 <;omt:nand~ment,. :he rhat was fnfevere agarnfiB4/aamforllvmgthej nrllges·ofun,JghteoufneffC>he that was·fo fevere a'· :gainft Vzzah for tou-ching t&e.Ar.ft, for medling i withholythings·,for drawing neere in·anunholy .manner to him;he that confum·edNitdall & .Abi. hu withfire/ Eeavm; becaufe'tfreycam·ewitli' jFrangefre, (fo·doewe·wnerrwe comewftlrcar~ 'nallaffe6tionstoperfo·rme holy duties) he is die ~ f.1me)and·though hedoeirnotrothee on the fo-:.. ·: ' daine,as he .them(for hediditto·thcm for · . i example,tfiattheymigh~oe·i:rllesforfuturetiines ; that he migfit·not·onely·deliver· prec~prs,. but · .mightfecond'them wit:h · example~)yet being the ; f.1me God~ hewiirdoe it: to r.neeatlength) if thou ;fall iiltuthe> fam·e fiime,_, he- tl1·at ffrucRe-Ai1ttnio·.. :and S.cph"irAwith"deatli for- (p-eakfngagainff die· truth,.and'againft rndr confciences-, lie willdoe 'die fame to·thee, though he do it norin the-tame· manner,( becaufeii: was e~traordinary~ hedre~ themout forexampres-, )and'fo1 may'fayof re· wozrds:,idsct rtainene will"doe thefame.. - . __Moreover; it:m~ffa~tds be t ~~- becaufe c;,J.tT f ble!fedneffe ftandsm·the· e~cuuon· ofhis owne~. G'odshldJ'ed: . Law; in proceediogacc·ord ingto it.. _ i ~dre t'o~liRs •. . Take alldie Creatures·under theSU.ntu; and' h~se:wC:~1Ia~~ :. their hap.pineffe {bnds·. in 1Ceeping clofe t~nhat'l - ,. . :rule that GoJhath·giventliem:Tliefire is·well~as; 1 long~