Note. ~ $ God will not lolc his glory. 1ntbir}ifi,thingrcomeali1e to a[_ long a11 it followeth that ru~,thc warer,and foe– very Creature; Man to whom the Law was gi. ven,his happinesis ro keepe rhe Law. In d~i~~ 1t tho '" !1-a :'t !tue;The great Godhath m4dc a LaW' to himfelfe,( rhat is he hith exprclfed himfelfe(his bleffedneffe confifl:s in keeping it;and therefore bea!fured, that whatfoeva his Law is, it illJII certainely be performed. The Law you know is this, Either thou fh -tit keepe~hefe things ,or thou ,fhalt dye for it. Nowa difiunctive propoftrion is true, we fay, ifeither part be rrue;that is, ifa ~pan doe not kcepethe Jaw, ofn'!ceffi ry hemutl: be puniil1ed,orelfe D'ifd Law f110uld bebrokc>n; burifeither bee fulfilled, the Law is kept:So I · fay, it mufr necdes bt>e,that the L r r l mult doe rhat,wh"rin)1is bk·ff~dnes confifls.T~o 'tgh tt.Jin– ~erprolong his dtLyts,ttndthough hispun~fhmentht lo11g diferredandfontence be notfpeedi!y executed, certainly ir multneedes be cxe.cuted,fi)nhe Lord roufl: net:des ad according to that rule hce bath fet tobimfelfe. Lafr of aJI,if the LprJ {hould not doe it, hce lhould lofehis glory;If wickcd _mcQ lhouldall wayes profper, ifgood men fhould al wayes t:1re ill,men would f<ty there wereno ( td in heaven, t0 nile things,to adminfierrhingsby his provi-.' dence:therefore,faith he,I will brin?. it to paffe tluttroH mayk~1cw t ~•at I :tl'i the ( ord.So then,feefi thou awicked man doingwick(i'dly,and yet not punifhed ~ Hee cannot continue long, the Lord fhould lofe his glory ifhee flvuld. Seelt thou agood man than.:ontinues in his righteoofnelfe, · and •