Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

. In rhir life,thing·rcome aliR.! to aU. ) 534 · ~~d yet he f~ffers adverli;~~c;;fflfction,--h~ is{ · fet in a low place,hew~tlkes onfo~te~&c.hec~mnot continue fo long; for t'he Lord ihould lofehis glory,and the Lord will not Iofe his glory,he is exceedingr~nder ofhis glory.And therfore this Condufion mufi be fet downe, that though for a rimeall things come altke togooaand6ad~though Goddifpenfi~ them promifcuoufly for a feafon, yet certainly rbe itfue flu ll be, it jhall 6e welln?tth ' . therighteow,andif/,vith the wieked. Therfore(to proce ~d a little futtlier) Iet not No~~:bedtf.; holy men bedifcouragcd,becaufe they fee thirygs cou·aged,be- : go ill with the Church s; be not difcouraged at cau'r oft!' e · '- mifeue oftheit'l forit fhall be well with them in due ~-afon. Churches. You (hall fe ,_. .Pfal.x zg.z. that theLordfutfers e- ) Pia.L l;l.~J.3 ._ vill me'1 toPlough the Church; ttnd tom.tkelong fur ' owes on the back ofit;but yer,fairbhe,in the ' fourth ver(e; The Lord will cttt the cords ofthe wi:'k d)He will Cut theirtraces,they piaw r ng, and make deepe furrowes j but yet the Lor d at lengthcur s,the cordsofthewick~d. The Hor fes . rhatdrawtheplow, as long as the tr~ces holq, theydraw,burwhen theyare cur,th~y c;:tn draw no lo·nger; So the L erd will do, he Eiffi·rs· the -: - .L Church to hep1owedj when they do no\t judge them[eves, wft enthey do ilot pl w thernf Ives, when t hey do not hqmble rhemf'elves , then 'he fetsthe enemies of rhe Ch urch to ploY\: them, and to humbh their fonlcs ;aqd rhis he 1 ddth for a ,cerrainefeafo~:bmwhen he hath done~ he cuts their traccs,he cuts.their cordes;, and that in due fea[on~ . . As;