IriGanc:es of thewtckcd pun !htd·in ..dueleiiJon. 1nthtrlife,thingu;ome alik! ta all. ; - ·- ----- -- -· Asforexample;Heefu1feredPh4r4oh a "long ' time to plowt'he Church, you know how long heaffiided it,you'know whatlongfurrowes he made-uponit;butwhen the periodwascome rhe • period that Gad had fet, the fit time, then G1d .cut his traces, that is, ,~uffered him toplow no ]onge~butdefl:royed htm. AndfoHamanin t'he ltoryofHej1er,bep1owed ,~ the.Church aw·hile,tilitcameto the :verypoint, · ."to the ·exigent,-that heJhou'Id ~hauefwallowed it 'Up, ·and t'hen·he was taken o'fftromplowing any longer, ·tbenthe Lordcut'hisseordes, and fet his .Church adibertie• .Andfo.hedid with-the:MidiA-nites;Theyp1ow 4 ' red rhe :Church for .atime,(asrhrough thewhole · fioryofihe.1udge:: wefee)theyplowedthem for · · a certa'in~1cafon, :tilltheywerep1owed enough: 'and wheniheywerehum·bled,rc.pented&cryed to the Lord, (as you fhall feeeverywber · J then faith the Text, theLGrdheard them, andcut rhe · cords ofthe wicked,he fuff'ered ~hem to . longer.Butthefe placeswill betheclearer,ifyou compare them with.ljd 28.24.faitb theLordther Doth thePloJv«m4nplo~aUtileDay.<'Rathcr,fttith bee-, when hehath plowed enough, ( marke it ) . when heehath /Jroken theclods, then hecttjls in the fud,&c. And whoharhcaufedtheplow-manto · doe this: I sit notlthe Lord? IftheLordhathput this wifedorrlelnto theplqw ·man,tharheplowes notall day,butwhen he h~thplowed the ground enough,he frayes the plow,and (owes the feede, · - will not theLorddoe fo with his Church~rhere. fore ' ,