Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

1nthis life,things e-ome alik_e tO all./ _lf1_ ·what he (ayes ofthe_ ;1J.1 in theverfebefote,IflNght , ~h'~:~~~f him,fayeshe,& lewas nlt~Q/;~found,verf.3.6.As th~wickcd if~efbotild fay,lf~ug?thun onean~,~ there~ ;;:~~~~!hey was not,I fought hrm mheaven,,& there htwas have peace by not tO be found,butinhell he was, there he was the way.• • to be found' otherwifether~ is no· remembrance ofthem; So Ifay;evill nien,. ·dioughth~y~h~ve peace for:a .rime, though they have profperity, fora time, though thcy.fpread themfelves:as.. a greenebay.. tree;yct their latter end ihall not be ·.·.:1 ... peace, but m·ifery. ·The.refore~ let us not bediF ·couraged;Nor on.the other £ide,1e:t.n~teviJme'n .he fecure,.ktdiein not be incouraged to evill do- ·• .ing,for thoug-h·theLordfpare them for a time, yetcertainely they'fhall be puniihed.As Luk, 13. Luke IJ·+ :4.(it is anexceUear place for ·ihat purpofe) our. ·Saviourfaith therc,Thinke not thofo eightulu up- .on whom the·To.wer of Siloamfill; w~rtgrtater.ftn- .ners,thanothers;tl13t it did ,not f2Uupon :hut tx- :crptyonrepent,youfluda!lli kewiflperi(h.The mea· ·ning of it is this, when you fee ftrange judge- :'mel'ltscom .. e up6the workers ofiniquiry,though y-ou that are ll!anders by' have·had peace & pro~ ·fperity ;tll yourtime ; and have never beene ae– quainted 'with an·yofthefe!hange jtldgemcntsE>f ·God;have neverrafl:ed ofthem,fay notthit your · ·eondiriOn is better than thei rs: for., faith our:Sa– viour,youareno letre£inners than they ,~ perhaps youare greater,(rhou~h the To,verfdlornhem : and·nor on you,)therefore;. faith he, Toufhallpe.. riJli. B'ut becaufeitis notprefentlyaorie, . therefore faith·the WiftmarJ,~ ·-;r heheArti ofmtn. wre.~t J m .