The e'lecud· -onnoctbe featenceiJ de· .fcrrtdefthe wickcL 1nthir life,thingr come .ali~ to aU~· is the, t1 d1eevil; that is, becaufe there is not prefent execution; therefor<: either men thinke thereis no G1tl, or elfe they. do.thinke G1ti is likethemfelves:! he/limy ft4ce Andthoit thDughtft lw~t~li,lrtt~yfelf,Pfol. 50.21. Either they thinke thattherets noG1J, or elfethatheis not fo jull: a Boa, as we· declare him to be. So, eitherthey , think fins not to beftns,orelfe they thinke them notfo hainous,that they do not draw fo fearfull )udgementafterthem. Thus men: becaufe the fame events aretoallalike, have ~hereforetheir hearts fet in them to doe evill. Now for anfwer to that, faith the•t,, though execution be deferred,thefentenee isnot deferred; Thefonttnct il p4}14gAillj1 A11 en t'Vi/1 workt,though it benot fpeedily executed. Asif hefhouldf:ty, it isalittle comfortto theewhen thou.hall: provokedGla to anger, that thou art notprefe.ntly punHbed; for thefentenceis gone <Outagainll: thee, thouartanaccurfed man, thou ~ art condemned and ihut up in Prifon, itisonely the ·execution that is deferred;and thereforeit is that he faith, becaufe the ftntence againll: evill doors is not fpedilyexuNteJ, therefore thinke with thy felfe,whofoever thou artthatimbolde– nefi: thy felfe in thyprefent fafetie, it is butade– ferring oft'he execution, thou art not inabetter <ondition than others, onely the judgement is ~xecutedonthe one fooner,on the other latel'. Seeitinthe finneof !oah, yGuknow he com– mitted thefinne .ofmurther, when he killedAb.. •er,it laya 1leepe·many yeares. The fentence went