Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

/In this liJejthingi come alif?t te all. ·5+9 , went out from Gods Law, .God and his owne Confcience was againfi him, but yet it"was not execured;tiJl hewasfull ofgray haires; Hisgray b11ires.went-downe to thegrauenot in_ peace, b~t in · bloud. So likewife-in the JinneofSattl,whenhe brake the oath \vitluheGibeonites,tf!le ·finne continued fonie·year~s un.puniihed,rheLord[uffcred it,dTe ·fentencc.went out againfi him as foone·as it was committed, but.yerit lay afl.eepe; TheLorddid not execute the fentencetill fonie yeares after, as we feebycompmation:foritwa~all the reigne ofDavid to thelatter end;mdmofr:partofSau/s · raigne. · ' ·And fo the finneof shimei,theiinnewas·com- , mittedlong bdore, (yet .all thetime ofDavids raigne ·after his.refioring, though thefentencc went out againfi him; for -he was ·an accurfed man theLordhroughttharcurfeup6himwhich he hadpronounced~g.ainfiDttvid)yet it was not executed till a fit feafon :So,lfay;it is with Gnne, the executionisdeferred,thoughthe kntencebe not deferred . Thereforef..1ith s alomon;certainly ' the wic.kedjba!lnot prolonghis · dayes. Iris a place wor_t.h confiderinba, ·Ecclef..8. 13. n 1 f. · J• cCcc -.8.q. · Thottgb ajinnerdee et~i!lan hundredtimes,andGod prelonghisda;tes,yetlknow itjhalg~ we! with them thatftarethe Lord, an.</do'Creverent:e before him: but itj!Jall r.J()t Ge wellnJith thewicktd, neitherfottll hee prolonghi.r-dayes hejlrall6e like -ajhaddorv, 6e. , -~,j ~. cat-tfehefearesnot before God· This conclufionhe comes to: Ahhoubh, faith he,the Lorddeferre Ee ege., --------~----~------~------------~---~