1;o lln. thii' lifi,tbingrco ~ne ali~ to all. execution-, yet it flnll not be well withth~ wick· ed:,.he fluU not prolong his dayes. But it will b~ o1>jected, That manyevill m-en cto.e prolong' their dayes, they.Huelong, .they ." Hue till they be old,and they liue in peaee · .A,.'I(w~ Tothis-Ianfwer, Thatthoughtheydoe Jiue· \Yicked men.\long, yetindeecie properly theyare UOP faid .to– %~t~~dili~' pro! ong t~e~r dayes, becaufc .that-all that while liudong. they are unnpe,theY'are.not fit for death:So that they are taken before they·are fitted to go hence fo they are cu~ otffor fubfl:ancc indeede in the middd1: oftheirdayes. As an Apple,.though it Simil~• hang on the treelong~.yetifit be taken before it be full ripe, it may be faid not to hang long on the tree,that is,it hangsnot fo -longas to ripen it it istaken-away inanuntimelymanner,it is taken aw-ay before the feafon ofit:So it is here,though a wicked man doe prolong his dayes, yet frill he · is taken away beforeheberipe,beforethe time ofgathering. _. And it is true on the other.ftde,that holy' men .Gadt~kesnot · away holy though they be takenawaybetirne~,yettheyare mentillthey takenaW!lywhen theyhauefinifhed their dayes . be rip,.: he doth prolong hisdayes, though he·die when · he is young, becaufe he is ripe beforeheis taken fromth€ tree: he is nowina fitfeafon•.And this isthemeaning ofthat., when he faith, Cert:zinly , ;.ftfo411g~e iUwithhimth}ttftareNtJf)t Ged,thoqgh :hecdoe .prolong his· dayes, though execution ~· fh:'ot1ld&edefetred. I fhould ~dde more,~s this . for- another; but I will but name it• . Dothonecondition fall to all, .bot-h goodand ' bad .-: :