Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

·In tbir.lifi, thi~g.r·comealikf;t~all: · them to all in fi1ch apro mi[cuous manner, th;t youcannotfay,thisisproper to the one, or to ··, the other• . . ·,· .. ·Ag. tl?·aa.may~ entertai-L!e ~ -fl:ranger · with bct– terfoodethanhee giues his chHdreu; with the daintiefl:'.,ofthat he hath,yethee keepes the. befl: 1 portion for his children:andGodmaydoe_much · for thofe that are .{hangers -to hil]1;but he giues better profperitie to ,.his .childrenf though they fare hard here, thougb they tafi:e no good thing a tim~, yet the pElrtion hee referveth for . them; which portion andhleffed inheritance, ·' he ofhis great mercy referue for every one of us, ~nd conferre upon us,for the · mediation ofhisdeareSonne, . . IE s V s .· c H n. I s l' . the Righteous. . •t .lf '*) \. *- - ~o . much (0r this time: .