Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

THE THIRD ·SERMON. y Ec cL B s r As T 11. s g.I,l,3,4· l returnedt~nd(a"' tmdertheSNnnt, that ther•&e it · net totiJefwifr, nor th~b;~tte!J f# theftrmg.,nor :-- yet ilrtad t:Q tbe- wife ,1101' ri&htst,mmofundtr– jfandin_f, npr yetfovonr tl11ntnlfski11,6ntllmt> -ttnd clumcec-ommeth tu 111/.. · iF8rmanal[oknowethnrJthistime: 1{4tlujijhuth4't · ~tre taken inan evjUnet,arJd M the6irJs that Are c.zughtin thejnare;foare the (oru 1/ttJe»_frJ~tred m ~tn .evil/ time, whm it fil!eth fodderiiJ u;o~ them. fi'.iiiii~;;:;:s:~£- HE lafi tirne wee.fpake to you, wee handled the firll and fc ··cond Verfcs of this Chaprer; ·~~ · whence there may bee this ob· ~7S:-' jeCtion madeagainfi: Gods LAtf_ Di~~~~fofficimcie >r...Allthings come A– liketoAil.,tuthe~juft,~tndto thew-i&ked,&c. And inEe 3 deed . ! --- •)-- -- j