51'40ftbe --panityofearth/ythingr~ _ 1---- - 'deed wnea men fee thisconclulion,tkatitt! to the l ~w_irl~d t~qordiJJg:to thrllJ~r~ibfthcf"uft._&totlujuft (lltcordingt'lthe workeofthewickttl;ic:m·uftneedcs :na:rid-as a fi:rong objedion againlt i:Jit··doctrine , \btco:as A.ttfu}fioi'erifJ•·Ho'n·thar (}bjeetron is-a~n~: 1 (wered,, hath ~eenefully declared toyou: Now tht~tc c,omes another ob} ection like the former. ,.. a Na~~~~l • . Bec~bfea~h~thin1 ~s comealike t 1 caUhfai:rhodthe 'Wifo– Hrc:ngth, or m11n, ( ut t ere l€names one y t ego · aRd the weakenes clif- bad, the holy and the unholy) men will be ready ~:~~1i~~h~ etofay,(as every manis)howfoeuerholineifeand '"mof things , unholinede makes not the differencein the event ofthings, yet the naturall firength ofmen, their - I naturall we·a"knes,rheir naturaii ability, or their .unabil~ty, theinyifedome ort~eir folly,that dif Lpofctb or indifp~fc~h me;n in theeuent ofth~ngs 1 A.ndtberfore .t.q,e.~ifcmAn,w~,en heh?.diinithed that fotmef~oncluu9nwhereofwe fpake, (that there is one ev-enr t~ t_hegood and bad)hee falls upon thefeq~piy~z:t~ty that he faw vnder the · Sunac.,'r_h'!:t~{(.~nings come a!j.k_eto aU, that is,not . · only eo tl;te hqly&'unholy,but likewifeto thote that haue natural:firength,ahdthofe that arefub– ject tb nftturall weakndfe, euen in this cafe alfo, faith,he,al/things come ttlike to ttl!. For I ht~uefienethat therace is not alwayest" the fwift,but fometimes to him that is norfwifl; the· /;;zttllile u_, nota!wa,yestot~eflrong, hutfometimes l ·to him that is\yeak;andbread,.mdfavrmr ,&rich. · 1 es ,'4rC rJlJt ~lwayesto menofunderjlanding& sk~·ll,, butfomeum-es to men tha.t are wcak~:,andf-ooltlh f an~ want ski1I)&c. · . . / • I