1f6 Q! the --vanii_y ofearth&·thing.r. thmgs. 2 Th-eyare rcft· ldle. ' ; ,) h . T ere 11 nothing new. 2-. :Moral th~ngs -~·~ Wifedomc. . · \ . hcefl1allfind~ 'l!aniti~and VtX.4tion offpit'it in eve- . ry creature,and in every condition and _ll:ate)·· in all ~he. purpofes, in all the actions and affaircs of ·men: I rtturn-ed, l:1ithhel anc.! whic~way focver ' I looked, which W•1Y foeveri turnedme, I llill faw vanity .So it was withStt!omo»,and fo it mull: I needs be wjrh us all,ifourj~tdgememsbe guided as his was by the Spirit ofG11d~ . Ify~ulookupon the <;ourfe ofnaturaiJ things., you lhall fee a vanity in them:faith the Wifeman 7 he Rivrrs tDm.e andgoe, andthe windup~tffiand comt ailoNt.hy their circgits ,& IIU!tntrationgoeth· an~an_ather.cemmab:That is,in al thefe_works of · God 1 in thefe.workesof nature, which fecmenot to bc -fubjetl: to van'ity,y'et if you looke upon . them, you lh41ll find avanitie in them,they haue · no rell: nor quiet, they are all fnbjeeho corrup· : tio.n,O»ege-nerlt!}o!Jgu-es 4ndamthercomu. . .Againe, there-i~ no new thing in. them, thatif . a man ll:udie to findeout fomethi:ngto fati5fiehis . minde, ~e fhall foone come toa bortome, and : nothing will giue flim fatisfaction;~nd therefore · · _ thC're is a vanitie: fort hat which is rdl:letfe cat'l .· nev(r giue us relt, that which is fubject to cor– ruption can neuergit.Jevs.rhat happindfewhichis immortall and ercmaH;in rhcfe things there is no . newndfe; ThuyeisnotJatisfyedwith feeing , npr . theeart withht11ring. _ 'Ifyougoe fi:om that~ and lo0l<e upon othet things.rhat feeme to be leafi fubject to vaHity,as wifedome and knowledge :Jtistrue,thefe fecm · t-o be leafi fubkdtovanitic-,~ndth e Wij.(m.t,ac- , know:- ·