Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

.O)t~e 1Janitie oj·carthiJ thing1. : 1 'fJ7 . . ,. ..... .. ~ l<no~ledgeth it;for,faith he, Wifulomt is !Jettt' -~- - - th1111fdUy~.u light is ~etter thAn JArlrnrQe:yetthere is av2hiry in that: for firfr,therc is awearindfc in ge~ting it: Againe,there is~ g_ricfe in having., in. 1 uling and enjoying ir:for a w1fe-man fees much 'Iher~i" . amiffc, but that whichi.r creoked he-cannot make ~catramdle 10 , . .,et J. gJt. jfr.:igbt, To [ecevill vnder the Stmne,and notto . · l. be able tO amend it~ it dothbntincreafe amans Gric:ldn u· forrow;and that is thewifemam miferie. £ingit, Againe ,faithhe;The condition .u to the 3 wifo as to thefo~'ijh,Asthe onedyes fo dyes the other It freeth not as the one isfubjed to fickndfe, fo is the other .from milorie. as the oncis fubject to croffes, afHitHons, and . changes, fo is the other:and therefore thereh a vanity in that•. , Now for the perfecHon of workes; for the 2 doing ofthofethings that are indeede eommen- Comcndahk aCtions. dahle,good,andprayfe-worthy,is this airo fub- Bccld: 4 . 4 • jedto vanity~Ycs,faith Sa!omon, Ecc!e,r:af! ·4·4 _ Iloolud& beheldthe travai!esofmm in the perfelfion ofworkes, and1finde this al[o to be tbe mv,ie Are envied. of.t managain(f his neigh6tmr:That is,this \"anity '· it bath in it, that a man lhall 11ot haue praife and loue anfwerabletothe perfection ofhis worke buthe fhall fin_d thecontrary,he,fhal! haue much envie forit :it fhall caufethe envie ofa man a gainfi his neighbour. . Buttake places ofgreat authority, wherein a ~ man hath much opportunity to qoe good, as, Princes,Magillr~nes, & 'Rul,ers;T~is alfo is a va1 nity:I hauefoene menrulingoneouerAnothtr,fayes · l J \theWifiman;/otheirhurt,tothehurtofthe Ru-~er · · · and