-------.-:..----------~....._;_-- ----- 1S8 · Oftb~ )ttnity ofearth/y thing.r. . / V{e r. To (ce the change UJJIIe bathmade in the world. and to the hurrofrhem that are ruled. So that all .things ~nder the ~un, look which way you-wi11, they arefubjedto vanity as thefewhich here he · names, for a man to make hitnfclfe lhong, for a ·man to get wifedo1ne,andskill,and t o bediHgent in his bufines, &c. Forlet a man uicche likel icll: . meaAes to bring his enterprifes to paae yet faith Salomon,Ihaueflene, that the6attai!e t5 not to the ftro'!g,norfo·vour tomenofknowledge,nor 6~eadtv thew!(e,nor richestomenofunderjlanding.So that whichwayfoeuer he turned himfelfe,fl:ill thereis avanity.Wewill make forne bric:fe ufe ofit, and fo come to the next point. · · · Ifthere be fo-much vanity under _theSun, that e·vcn the be(hhings,(thofethatfeemeto be moft free from it)are fubject to vanity,then. Firll: Jet us confider hencej what a change fin hath made in theworld:Thetime was,when the Lordlooked upon ailthings,and hefaw,that they wereal/ex(tcdinggood: but now whenthe Lflrd· lookethupontbem,~ndtheWifrman Iookcth up · on them with the fame eye, they are all fohie!f to vanity.Andwhence hath this proceeded, butb~caufe fin ·hath blowne upon the Creatures, as It were,ithath blafred th<:m,it bath ta~en away the vigour, the vertue,the beauty the excellency of them? And iffinne hatb m~dethis-change, then conlider, that the more finne there is, the more thefethings are fubjed: to vanity. In every mans particular ufe_, you fhaii findc this true: as in riches,a man that is linfuH fhall not hauecomfort from them,but v exatitm of/Pi: rtt