Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Ofthe "panit.Y of earthlYt.hingJ'~ . t . • --- ll'it,, hee .{Juri finde a vanity and e~p,tineffe in· t hem. And {o for wifedome,learning knowledg, and ski.ll, the more Jinne, t-he mqre .in lthem: Everyman /hall fi_n_de.tqisin,;tll the:~r~~'" · !tun.•s underrhe Sunne.. .. .. . · As on the other ~de,them~regrace,the more.~ • . fub!lance youfhall findein them,: arid ·th.e le!fe, · vanity:fonhatwhichimmediatly_bringsthe va- . '. _ nity is the curfe, and ftnne the immediate caufe Sin the eaufc ofeverycurfe: I faytheimt,nediate caufeof Vl• ' efeveryculfe. nity is thecurfe ofGod. · When.(?odbids fuch a thing wither, whe~ he ~idsjt not ~rpfper w:it.h : fuch aman, -when he b1ds It do~ htm·no good, : (as hebad the fig-tree wither)that makes every · .. thing vaine t;o a .man,even the curfe that lyes~ · upon the creature,- ~nd fitme isth~caufe o-feyer.y. . \ ·· '1 'cu-r{(". . . · · -~ . . ·. Againe, that whic_h giue:s _;zfubftanceo, that.' whichgiues a fillingto th~ creature) thflt which caufe~h itto giu~- downe that milke of~9mfont which is in it,is thebleffingof GoJqponit;whon· GoJ£hall fay to fiteh acreaturc,go and doe fuch a man good, it is the bldfing _which doth it imme.· diatly b~tgrace is the caufe Tlier fore letuslooke 9n _finne, as the c~u{eofa:H this vanity,and on graceas the caufeofthecontrary letuslab<;mr toexcell in the on~-,andto refifithe other. Somuchfor this firfiufe. · Second!y,iftherebefuch avanity in allchings. u_nder the Sun, then furely he that hath brought this vanity upon them mufi ;needes bee much, more vaine. FoF what caufetp ,._thi~ v~nitf -tha:t . . _ - . - ~eili V(e2. To fee the va– ni~ic Q£mau. .··.