.0 F Go ·n .s ·in theoriginal,AU-fofficient(though fome tranf– lations haue it, theAlmighty ) and, this isapoint that will well fuite with the prefenr occafton oftheSacrame~Jt, tor, as I toldyou thefe words conrainethecovenanton both fides; fayth the Lord, this is theCovenant that:I will make onmy ·part, I will hethy_God; and I will tell you what a God! will be unto you, I willhe aGodAU-fojfic,i– ent. That is; you fhail hiue all things in me that your hearts can defire. The Co'T(enant againe,that I require on your parr,is,that you beperfeEiwith me, that youbeupright, that you be without hy. pocrifie,forfo the word figni6_eth in the originall that the heart be fingle, fo that though aman be fubjecho infirmities; ·yet, ifhe haue a: ftngle heart, anupright heart, the Lordaccepts it; and ·therefore, when you are to takethefeale of the Cov~n.tnt, how caa you be better exercifed, and pr:e,p'}red_fonheworke, than byconftd~ringth~ tltp,e~an~ it felfei;'~thltis the poinf then, that .Go~ Twothings is r..Alm~ghtie, or All-foffir:ient,· wherein two' <eonfiderablc. tb~qg~.~r:_e to be conliHcred ; . · I· That God is All-fufficient ·in himfdfe. Firlt, that thc,Lar.disfo in himfelfe. _See-ondly;t4at.he:isfo in ~very one-o_f•.hisc~ild . .. \ t, ' .. i =- .? ' I ,..J •}/ ren·. · ~- .·... , , .J. , {.. • • . ,, · ·:Firfr,~ 1will iliew that he isfo inhimfdfe; fo-r · e~cepthe haue aiJ:A!Pfi.iffi·c!~ncy in himf~lfe, ~~ DitTerenc:ebe. 1 cannpt_com·mutiicate it to an·orh~r. 'fhong_h this ·tWc~n the ~/1.. I b~aprunf thatwe all beleeue, y<?ttheopenmgof ftt/fir#entJ m . • "ll b fi bl . . d h I:'. C GoJ, and that lt,Wf. flQt e UOpr,O ta eto you,an t· Cfl!IOr .> '~hichisin ; you ml!fr:knGw that he is 1 .Ail.fo.fficient, notone– eoe Creature. lya? the_creaturemaybe .AI!fujficient,forther_e I . . IS