Of the 1Janitie rifeartbiJ.thingJ. .. 161 ' gl9rie andpraife of men, for pleafur~s;or~ foevel"· men · reckon precious and pleafant to them underrhe 5-unne. Foriftpey be all v(!nitie, . 'whatachange poe w~.make doe we not giu,e goldavvay for droqe~ ·as our ~aviour .expre.trhh Luke r6. +.6.Put _the·cafea.manhadall the world, an4 loft hisJoule~that is, if he neglect' the things Luk. x6. 2.6. that belong to his falvation, and for the .neglect <)f rhem fhall baue in recompence whatfoever .: , the world can afford him, (othat hee wants no· thing that theworldhath,yet,(aith he,Whatjl?all . it pr.ofit hfm1that is, there is a vanitie in .it, it will . ·h.e al~og~,ther :unp.rofiiable to him. Fo~ to bee vai~e,andto-be.unprofitable,isall one. Confider .then.what a fbolifh chang~menmake,whenth(y drawfin on with ·Cart.ropus; that is when they ufe Jhdr utmofl ftrength to get thefe vaine thimgs to them, wit.h the . tom~ of better things·: what a chang~ doetheymake;~lrhoughtheyfhouldget the .whole,world,' Jeeing all wouldheunprofi-· .·table,thatis)they.fhouJd find nothing but vanity , ahd.etnptinelfe,<mdvexati0noffpiritin it. .. ·: Agalne,if all things hefubjetl: to vanitie,Iearne P'(e 4 • ~ethcn; firfl:"h_ot. to; covetafter.·earthly thirigs, Not to ddire . notto fet our heartu~on it~nor todefire it over ~~'clt~nermuch.whenweewant.tt.Andfecondly,when we 2 . haije it.not to beconfident, norto trull: too much· Not to uull: ~.?it,no~:o reJ~Se_in ittoo.inord~n~te_Iy.~oritis :~~h~~erDut.y?-ome;thereis·an·emptmelfemit_,Itwdl de...· ., - . . ceiue_,u~ a$~broken reede. Thitdly;ifGoddoe ·, Notr~grieue :\take fro.m nsanyofthgfecarthly things.,asridtes ;r::1:;~~;t. , . l credlt, hea!th. or friend,s, let .. u~: ~e .. co~t~-~E t_<? ·_them. [:· · - · part . ~ · 1 ' < ~ ... .., . .. 1 .... & . · g)OQ axst .. 21 .... <-= -c~,.. «wK 4 , 4-,c·· ·P• ..... ~.