Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

-;6~ Oftbe --vanitieofearthly thing.r• . part with them : For even the beft of them are vanitie, fubject to emptinelfe, fuch as will ~ot performe that which they promife, fuch as will Vfo . deceiueus whenwe.come to ufethem.. Labo; t!•bc · · Lafi ofall, ( becaufe tl>1is isnot the pointI in– weaned (rom 1 tend t~ fiandup~~) ifall things under tile Sunne · £:r~·C:~t~ i be fubJe~ tova01~1e,(even thofe thatfeemeto be : ;keepe hiscom , leaftfubJeCt: Untb tt)then Iet us labour tohaue our m~dements. :hearts weaned from the world;andwhatfoever is -in the world, to make it our whole &ufineffe to flare God& keepe hisCommandemmts. You know that is the maine ufe that the wife manmakes of this whole booke: it is all but an expli'cation of the particular vanities whichhefound underrhe Sun,and theufethat he makes ofitisthis:There– fore~,Caithhe, Thewholedutieflfmanis tofearu . God,.4nd keepe his Commartdemmts.Ibe[eechyou Mer~ content . marke thatcxpreffion, for therein wee are ex · to fcrue God ceeding apt to deceiue our felues : A man is inpart~ contentto doe fomething that tends to Gods worfhip, and to the falvation ofhis foule,butto make it his whole worke, to haue all the water ·torunne in that channel], to hauehis mind alto– getherintentnponit, heis not willing todoefo, but he joynes other things with it, becaufe there is afe-cretl~aningofthe heart, and an unweaned lingering after{omeother vanitie. It is cettaine, that whenthebeatt is weaned from allthingsun • dertheSun,amanwill make itthen his wholebu .. iinelfe tofearcG~d,tmd leeepehis Commatulements ·but becaufe the heart is falfe in this,it hath fome -thing elfe that it is (et vpon. Some men thinke . thac