Ofthe --vanitie ifearthlY thing.r. ,:63 .thatwifdome and knowledge,increafe ofskillin fuch aparticular Science, Trade and profeffion~ that that is not fubject tovanity,and foit maybe his heart is fet upon that; and this is -enough tO keepe aman from rn~ing it his whole dutieto feare Godand keepe his Commandements• . Anotherman perhaps neglects this,but toge· ther in an efl:ate,tofirengthen himfelfethat way to bottome himfdfe well upon a.good eftate this hee thinkes is _notfubject to vanitie, as other things, and this therefore his ·heart is fet upon; thoughlieefeevanitie infome otberthings,yet thishisheart-isfet upon:andthisisenough to . keepe him from -making it his whole durie to feare Godjandkeepehis Commandements.And thus-we might goethroughmany inll:ances.Let · · every man therefore fearch his owne heart; (for · when·a man takes -not this whole dutie, fome · thing or other deceiues him; a vanide that he yetfeeth not. )Ifay,thebeft thingsbefubjectto vanitie;ifwhichway foeverthc Wifoman .tnrnethhimfelfe) theywere fubie&to vaniti~, it is fit we iliould learne then to make itour whole dutie tofet all our thoughts and affections upon this;howwe maygrow-ingrace, how we may . I· ., ftttre Godandkeepe his Commandements. , · Lafily, amanmay by this try himfelfe,whe-· P(e ~, ther hehath' doneit,or no:For as St~lomon, when Oftryall. · he<Yr_ewwife afterhisrepentance he fawa Vllt1ity , ! 0 fecvanitie · : , b ·. . ' ' • m all earthly . ·' :»allthtngs uwdr·rtheS~n:[oama~'Y~enhts_ ~eart1things. . · 1soncechanged, ~e wtllfee~vantttemallthmgs J , . Ifthere be any thtng whereui thou feeft •not a 1 vanitie, ~ 1 ,