1 Ofthe "'V anitieofearthlY thing f • . ~---- ~ ---------------------------------- v'anitie,itis an argument thou arr not yet a new creature, Pattlfaith,NOA'-kKow. weno man.after the jlejb.fm:whofoever is in Chri(f)tj·.~t new creature!·.as ifhe fl1ould fay,when any man is anew, creature) he looketh uponall things·underthe Sunne _with' another eye,he judgeth of them with ,another judgement, and_ therefore ifthou finde it other– wife,ifthouIooke upon the world, or upon :tny thing in t.he world, as vponthing~ that are preci- .ous, .that is a figne that Satan hath bewitched thee. You know it wa_s one of the witcheries that he attempted upon our Saviour, Hee pJewed .himall theworld,thei(ir;gdomesandtheglory ofit and fo he _dothto .euery manmoreor leife,hee. ·fheweshim fomethirxgorother,and ifa·mandoe notfeethe emptinelfe and vanitie-ofthem, but fees aglorie in them, he hath -,yeelded to Satan who hath bewitched him, and prevailed over him:and therefore when ,you :looke on every thingunderthe Sunne, l:'iches, credit,.wifedome · skill,knowledge, ifyou lo0ke on all as on flow– ers, i(you fee a vanity ,and an emptit.es in them thatisa figne you are nowchanged,that you are now t.urned toGodby unfained repentance, that you foe a,vanitie.in.aJlthings r;;nder the Surme. So much for this point• ... I return~dandft·w·tmdertheSunnt;[aithhe,that. the race isnot to:thefwi{t,northe6attd-totheJlrofJg norytthread to thewife.,nor riChes tB menofunder . jlandingnoryetfovour tomenofknowleag,6ut time apd ehancecommuhtoal!, · . ; The