Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

'The m oft ahlemen. fo lhong, hefhallnot be able to get the batteU, be he never fo fwift,he fhall not be able to winne (the race; be he never fo great in skiii and unde.r- , ;fl:anding,he fhall not get favour,nor rich es~ This . • Sa.m.z..3. · you may fee, I Sam 2.3 .whereHannahgives this . counfc1in her [ong, speakenomfJrepreflemptuouJly– neither let arrogancy c011'1eout ofyour mouth~for the I The Creature , is ignorant , ' ! Jl'isweat{e. .rui. 33.x6~ \ .Lordis tt Godtfknowledge, by bimenterprifes ttre ejlabl!jbed: As it the hadfaid, if any man fay he is able to bring an enterprife to palfe,he fpeakes prefumptuoufly, he--takes moretohimfdfe,than ,he is able t~erforme:The Lora'isondy aGod of knowledge)thatis rh: reafon ofit;and ther.:– forebyhim pnly,and not by any mans ll:rent; th; enterprifes are ell:ab.lifhed •. The Lttrdis 11 Godof I knowlerfge: As if ibe had faid, men have not . fo much knowledge and wifedome, as to Jooke through a bufindf·, to fee all the circurnll:ances ofit, to behold all the ingredients in it 1 all the wheeies that mufi concurre to bring it.topafTe : The Lordone!y is 4 God ~fk·nowled:te, and ther– fore 6y him enterprifes are e(lablijhed. A: nd this wasthat I f.1id , that the creatures infuffi ci ~ ency,was partly,becaufe rhey 3renota'->ie to fee all:·And partlyagain \ iris, becauf though they do fee all the wheeles that go to m,rke up an ent rprife, yet they are not ;-rble- o tnrnc them: ·As you may f erfal 33.I6.TheKingisno [aved ' 6y the multitude ofanho11{f,neitheris.amighty rlflltJ 1 dr~ivered6y hisgreat_flrmgth: A'Horft is 11 vai~e thsng to(d.vt aman, hejballnot" deltvtranyby hu ! refitJfrength. Thougham-an do f e, & rhou5h ~ he. · ---------~------------------------------~ •