Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

fJjten difappoin~ed• . -he can fay, fi1ch a whecle is necefiary, yet it is not in his owne power to ufe ir.. An hofl: isagreat meanes to get ahat tell, yet, - faith he, be an ho!l: never fo fl:rong, that is not · enough. But what ifhe have valiant men and fouldiers~ Yetthat willnotdoe it, amighty man is not delivered byhisgrea~!l:rength.I,but what · ifhe have horfesand chariots~ &c. Let the in– ll:rurnent b: wha~ it will be, AhDrfe is A 'r.ntin helpt that ·s, l xc, pt th Lordconcurrewirh that holt, and rurne that gr,' at wheele, except he b ~ wirh thofevaliantmen, except he concurre with the firePgth of thenorfe andofrhe chariot, all this isnorabletodo it. Therefore, I fay, thisisone 'reafon,whyrhebattell is not to the firong, nor -riches to men of under~anding, becaufe the creature ofhimfelfe is not able todo ir,in irsown · :firength,excluding GC~ds helpe,he is not able to bring anenterprife to paffe. . This Hkewife may be added to tDat, that, G 3 . though th , creature fhould h~ve a firengrh, a:a;~~~:~~~e -– . though·a man fhould have all tlungs ready,thar , ofthefirengdl he fhould be furnifh :·d with preparations of all theyh~ve, forts, fo tbatnothingfhouldbewanting to bring anenterprifetopaffe,yetatthevery time, .at t-he very infiant,whenthethingisto be done, it is not , in his power to make ufe ofthem,becaufe at that very tithe, God()fttn takts wi[idemefrom the wife, · and cour2gefrom them that are otherwifevali– ant, he takes from them their abilities, even at that thnt hetakeso~ the chariot whedes, even whentheyare driving of them; which plaineF f z Iy