:- )68 Iyproveth, that the Creature of hi'ln felfe is rror Amos:.-x.., ableto doit:Aswefee, Amosz.r4,I5,r6.faith1~ ' 16• he,Thejlightjht~llperifhfrom thefwift, ani the_] jlrflngjha/1 not ~rengthen his forces, neither jluzu· themightyfave his llfe,heth'ttt bttndle-ththehowj!Yat' not fland,and he that i.rfwift of foot (haft nfJt deliver himfelf,ncither fhal he th.ft rideth the horfe de!irr..Jer kimfelf,Andhe ofmightycbtlrag~ among thejlrong: men jlJir:!lfly a·way nakedin that day:·That is, Be· they never fo fl:rong,bethey never fo fwifr, ne~ ver fo full ofcourage)atthevery time when they 1 haveoccalion toq[e ir)rheLord will take awa;r ~hat fwiftneffe 1 he wil1 ta~e away that courage-»– he wiU take away that wifedome,& fcrgg~frit; it I may ~e,tothe adverfary,and how then !hall ~hey preva1lc~ So that,.though a man were never fry wellprepare·d tob-ringanenurprife topaffe,.. as when a man purpofeth in his heart,and hath lai'& all thingsready,this will I fpeake, yet the anfwer ~fthemouth comes jr11mGod, whatfocver his pre- ~ parations andpurpofes he ..So in the actions and' ·affaires ofmenjthoughhe make·hispreparations· never fofl:rong,yet at the very inll:ant Godoften. ,takes couragefrom thore that are moll: valiant, - . and fuggefieth if to thofe that are mofl: coward. Iy; he takesiaway way wifedomj whentheyhav~ moil: occafion tO' ufeit,'and gives it to theadver– faries,.that otherwifeare more foolilhthanthey •. This is thefirfr caufe ofit.. . . . 1 Afecondcaufeis this; hecaufe there .isa·cer· . MRe-1~.11'> '-• ta:ine.rime andopportunity, that a man mull: rake enm,ue · t.. • ·r ffi . .l .h h 1 thei.ttimes. -, tO'U'nngan·enterprHe tO pa e;anu t oug aman· ~ ~ be